
From the Politics of Vulnerability to the Politics of Voice

From the Politics of Vulnerability to the Politics of Voice

In this ongoing project Simorgh is currently working on active participation of the women in economics social and political matters. This project major aims to transform the politics of women‘s vulnerability into the politics of voice by boosting their Confidence, their active participation in the politics and economic by providing them skills, and training regarding their interest. In this project Simorgh stepping forward towards the road of empowerment by providing them financial aids, trainings & skills session.

Major Objectives:

The Main objectives are:

  • To Increase economic Empowerment, access to resources, conscious raising and enjoyment of rights by women, particularly the young, marginalized communities.
  • To Increase women’s productive Potential and transition to informal to formal economy through marketing skills, political engagements.
  • To Increase women’s access to opportunities for self-expression, voice & agency and practicing Leadership skills.

Outcomes at Macro level:

Outcome A: 100 direct beneficiaries (women entrepreneurs) with increased Opportunities in home based and public sector employment for women including setting up of small local businesses as entrepreneurs resulted in their improved social and economic status and enhanced self-esteem and confidence.

Outcome B: 800 direct female beneficiaries including female school dropouts’ with improved socio-political and economic status on the basis of work/income generated by skill development trainings in stitching etc. financial and other life skills including linkages with local market networks.

Outcome C: 8760 direct beneficiaries’ (community women, women entrepreneurs, female/male youth and male allies) active participation in the social and political life of the community including participation in electoral processes as voters and potential candidates for local government elections through Baithaks and Open Mics.

Indirect Beneficiaries: 29000 indirect beneficiaries will be engaged through socio/political awareness-raising, IEC material and relevant activities.


Images of IEC material

In- house capacity building of project staff

Liaison building with stakeholders Meeting

Skill development Training workshop Images

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