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Simorgh – offers internships


Internships throughout the year are encouraged since we feel that enthusiastic young minds tend to learn from proper research facilities. Secondly we in return are able to finish shelved projects with their assistance. Just in the summer of 2004 we had 7 interns during the summer months. We have never had such a heavy load of interns and at times it did seem the office was being over run by them but by and large it was a fulfilling experience to be able to steer them gently in the direction they seemed most inclined yet hesitant to take.

Internships are encouraged in the following fields/categories:


  1. budding artists can draw and paint for the children’s human rights text
  2. writers can write stories for children’s human rights texts
  • lawyers with extra time on their hands can help with research for Bayan, a socio-legal journal
  1. researchers can help with ongoing research
  2. typists in Urdu and English can transcribe cassettes of interviews or papers read out at our annual conferences
  3. accountants looking for experience can try their hand at understanding the day to day and the more complicated expenditure workings of organizations as per requirements of donor agencies


Nazia Hassan a student of Women’s Studies from the Punjab University interned with us in the summer of 2004 and is now employed at Simorgh as a full time Research Associate.


In addition to this people with good writing and communication skills can take part in our yearly conferences taking place in Lahore. Other related work requires contacting possible contributors for papers, arranging logistics, collecting papers after the conference and editing/compiling in book form.


Since Simorgh is a small organization we do not encourage a heavy influx of internees at the same time instead we prefer to space them out over the course of the year. If interested please send in your C.V mentioning your area of interest and the time frame you would be interested in.

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Ramsha Siddiqui

GCE Advanced Level

Lahore Grammar School, Lahore Pakistan

My internship at Simorgh has been a much needed educational experience about the predicament of women in Pakistan and what is being done to challenge that. Mainly, having focused on Teacher’s Training Workshop, one learns that there is a lot being done to improve the poor situation in local schools and there is much that still needs to be done. With the assistance of other internees, documentations of these workshops were translated. Furthermore, for the Stories for Change Workshop, we looked over and edited stories, based on case studies of abused women. We are helping these women’s stories to take shape so they have the chance of delivering impact and awareness the way in which they deserve.

Sana Saigol

McGill University


My month-long internship at Simorgh has been a valuable experience. During my time here not did I only gain some work experience but I also learned about the numerous challenges that women in Pakistan face. At my time here most of the work revolved around researching material for the Kaleidoscope books and organizing WAF material. As I researched about the Suffragette Movement, I realized that it was not heavily focused on previously and now it was being addressed to create more awareness among the youth. I collected posters from the Suffragette movement, which will be used to create a timeline. While working on organizing WAFT material, which would be used to pursue a Simorgh project, I realized that Simorgh has a very close association with it. The knowledge I gained at Simorgh will definitely come to use in my studies as I am pursuing a major in political science.[/vc_column_text][vc_row_inner row_type=”row” type=”full_width” text_align=”left” css_animation=”” css=”.vc_custom_1583828226881{padding-left: 200px !important;}”][vc_column_inner][vc_empty_space][vc_empty_space][wpforms id=”369″ title=”false” description=”false”][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_tab][vc_tab title=”Publishing” tab_id=”1583827522822-2-5″][vc_row_inner row_type=”row” type=”full_width” text_align=”center” css_animation=””][vc_column_inner][vc_empty_space][vc_column_text]

Simorgh – The Publishing House

Simorgh also offers in-house publishing and printing services to others. Our pool of English/Urdu editors, proof readers, layout designers and experience with technical assistance on printing units allows us the opportunity to pick up available publishing jobs. To quote an example Rozan, an Islamabad based NGO handed over conference papers it wanted compiled into a book. We were responsible for the compilation, editing and final printing/production of this volume. It has been generally seen that after the conference is over, the papers presented and the final step of printing the book is reached, the people involved tend to take a breather and inevitably almost never get down to taking out the book or wait inadvertently for a long time to lapse. For fear of such possibilities we offer to take on your unfinished job and do it for you within the time frame you set.





Simorgh has relevant knowledge and expertise in print and electronic publishing (including design, layout, formatting to pre-press). We could convert a handwritten/typed document from raw manuscript to digital format (postscript of PDF or any other format).  We specialize in books, brochures, posters and other publications. We offer:

  • Professional editing
  • Professional page design
  • Original cover design
  • Your manuscript produced quickly as a high quality paperback book
  • Featured listing on the on-line Simorgh Bookstore

Editing Services


Feel confident that your finished book will be professionally checked for grammar and spelling errors.


  • The author provides to Simorgh a typed, double spaced copy of her/his manuscript in a digital format on a computer disk.  We accept most PC word processing formats; we also accept paper manuscripts.
  • At Simorgh our professional copy editors proofread and edit your original documents/manuscript before we submit them for desktop publishing. We work on hard-copy printouts, handwritten documents, etc. and looking at inconsistencies (language, punctuation, etc.) and spelling related errors in your document.
  • Our editors correct only the mechanics of writing, you may be assured your original concept and style will remain as you intended.
  • You, the author, incorporate the changes the editor has recommended that you think enhance the work and return to Simorgh the revised copy on disk with the changes that you want published in the finished book.

Illustration Services


Optional illustration services available–we can create original artwork for inclusion in your finished book


  • Our Simorgh Illustration Service offers authors the opportunity to have original black and white and colour illustrations created by professional artists for inclusion in the author’s finished book. Children’s book pictures and book cover designs are some examples of the types of original artwork that our professional artists will create on your behalf.
  • You provide us with a detailed idea of what you would like created, and then our artists will create original pieces of art for inclusion in your book. Working from a detailed description or from a portion of your text, our artists will render artwork as true to the description as possible. When the art is completed it will be included in the final page design of your book.



Simorgh publishes books on the following themes:

  1. Women’s Issues
  2. Human Rights Issues
  3. Women’s Literature
  4. History
  5. Gender
  6. Law
  7. Children’s Literature

Simorgh reserves the right to decline to take on a publishing project if the content is in conflict with our belie

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